As a member, you are an owner in a 82 million dollar Cooperative, serving members like yourself. We have over 5,355 miles of line serving farms, homes, both small and large businesses and oil and gas fields with dependable electric service.

As a member-owner of SWTEC, each person receiving service is encouraged to take an active part in the business by attending the Annual Meeting. Traditionally, the meeting is held on the second Tuesday of August on the Schleicher County Courthouse lawn. A barbecue meal is served.

There are seven members of the Board of Directors. They are elected from the membership at the Annual Meeting. Each board member is elected to serve for a three-year term. Elections are staggered so each year at least two directors are chosen.

Also at the Annual Meeting you can hear reports or progress and future plans of your Cooperative from the President of the Board and General Manger.


Picture of the SWTEC First Annual Member Meeting